GFEA will be opening our negotiations with GFPS for our next contract soon and will be sending out a survey to all members. Please take some time to thing about what changes, modifications, and improvements to your working conditions you need and believe will make your teaching, your students learning, and the success of the educational process you believe we need in Great Falls. The survey will be confidential and no names or buildings/grades will be made public, but this is your opportunity to be heard and weigh in on the next Collective Bargaining Agreement. Remember wages and working conditions are negotiated on your behalf by your Union, we need to hear from you to ensure the next contract is the best contract for our members. Be on the look out in January for this important survey and fill it out and share your thoughts, desires, and wishes!
GFEA's 2024
EXECUTIVE BOARD ELECTION RESULTS OFFICERS 1st Vice President * Lance Olson Secretary Treasurer * Stephanie Olson REPRESENTATIVES Elementary * Keri Rosenleaf * Eric Bush Middle School *Nick Herd High School * Dawn O'Leary * Asterik indicates unopposed position elected by acclamation. Terms run June 2024 – June 2026. MEMBERSHIP EVENTSArchives
December 2024