House Education is considering HB 755. This bill opens the door to private and religious charter schools in Montana by providing state funding to non-public pre-k centers. This bill also dilutes the power of local school boards and the Board of Public Education. Please contact House Education and tell them to TABLE HB 755.
Here's how: Dial 406-444-4800, ask to leave a message for the House Education Committee and tell them "VOTE NO on HB 755!" To email, Click: Enter your contact info & select send message to "Committees" and choose "(H) Education" from the drop-down menu. Bill type and number=HB 755. Select "AGAINST" Enter your message in the box - urge legislators to "Vote NO on HB 755!" Click the Take Action Tab! Today, news about the Montana Museums Act, and two public school bills to support. Contact your legislators!
Voting concluded, and GFEA members voted to re-elect Jolee Corey to a seat on the GFEA Executive Board. She is an Elementary Representative on the Executive Board Congratulations, Jolee and all of the new Executive Board members! ![]() All other election races were uncontested. These positions were officially approved on Mar. 12. 2019, at the Faculty Representatives' meeting. These new and re-elected Executive Board members will be installed into their positions during the Spring Fling, on May 17, 2019.. GFEA Executive Board Members 1st Vice-President − Lance Olson 2nd Vice-President − Tom Cubbage High School Representative − Alex Rosenleaf Middle School Representative − Kristen Jacobsen Elementary School Representative − Jolee Corey At-Large-Member − Jerry Ferderer Make plans now to attend the MFPE Regional Meeting at the GFEA Office, Mar. 16, 2019, at 10:30 a.m. Meet statewide MFPE leaders like Eric Feaver. Find out how you can be involved. RSVP by clicking here: Don't Mess with Medicaid Working people like you and me will see our health insurance premiums skyrocket and 100,000 Montanans will lose their health insurance altogether if the Montana legislature fails
to renew Medicaid expansion. That is why MFPE is a proud co-sponsor of the "Don't Mess with Medicaid Rally." The rally will be be at the capitol in Helena on Sat. Mar. 16, 2019, from 12 p.m.-1 p.m. Please join us! |
GFEA's 2024
EXECUTIVE BOARD ELECTION RESULTS OFFICERS 1st Vice President * Lance Olson Secretary Treasurer * Stephanie Olson REPRESENTATIVES Elementary * Keri Rosenleaf * Eric Bush Middle School *Nick Herd High School * Dawn O'Leary * Asterik indicates unopposed position elected by acclamation. Terms run June 2024 – June 2026. MEMBERSHIP EVENTSArchives
December 2024