Please take the time to find out more about this important vote, as public safety is not just the name of the levy, the approval of the levy could impact safety here in Cascade County.
Recruitment and Retention of Deputy Sheriff positions and our fellow MFPE member Deputy Cascade County Attorneys account for 75% of the funds generated by the passage of the levy. 14% is allotted to pretrial services, like monitoring inmates in our community and has the potential to not only decrease the jails occupancy while ensuring monitoring (including electronic and alcohol monitoring of individuals awaiting trial) but also increasing the likely hood that they will have their day in court. 11% of the allotment is for Increased school safety and includes one additional SRO (school resource officer) to help cover the 7 Cascade County Rural Schools who are currently served by a single SRO.
There are two competing ideas about a small portion of the funds generated by the levy, but what is not at issue is who will make the decision as to how those funds will be spent. The decision as to who or where school safety officers might be placed rest solely in the hands of local school boards and superintendents. The Cascade County Commissioners will be likely be involved in the approval of those funds as well, For more information please access the We Stand Safe Website for additional details and specifics as well as contacts to get your questions answered: Click here for link We Stand Safe