Each and every one of the following have been driven by politics and politicians: NCLB, ESSA, school choice, public versus private, school funding, testing mandates, Title I, II, III, IV and more… Yet, teachers take the “I’m not political” stance. Can you seriously afford not to be political? Can you just be silent given the current political choices facing us in our state?
Phone calls have been made; postcards sent; doors knocked and rallies attended. We have one week left to cast our votes for the candidates of our choice. Year after year, I have heard that a fairly large percentage of teachers did not exercise their right to vote. Didn’t vote…. let that sink in for a minute. Curriculum is political. Standards are political. Testing is political. Education is political. Please take time to fill in your ballot and vote. I’d be very pleased if I saw 100 percent of our teachers vote, but even 80 percent would be remarkable to see.